Dist Seed Objectives are : Improve adult education professionals' digital skills, qualifications and competence thanks to the introduction and use of the Digital Integration Storytelling Methodology combined with Social-Emotional Education.…
ERASMEDIAH Objectives are 1. To provide youth workers with specific training, theoretical and practical tools to improve their educational reinforcement skills against social media hyperconnectivity of young people. 2. To…
www.access-project.eu The main objective of this project is to equip secondary school teachers with innovative and effective tools to foster environmental critical thinking skills in their students. By providing engaging…
Based on understanding how young people understand data protection the learning objectives of DataPro will include: - improving knowledge about the complexities of one's data usage and protection, - awareness…
A Partnership of 8 organisations and schools from 5 different European countries will actively and cooperatively work with teachers to build an innovative and creative educational approach for the teaching…
www.easie.gg The purpose of the EASIE project is to foster and explore a new pedagogical method within the digital frame of esports – in order to address both objectives of…
digifreelancer.erasmus.site DIGIfreelancer aims to create a reference model to provide an adequate entrepreneurial and digital training to freelancers, not only to support and empower the category at a European level,…
r-valueproject.com This innovative Erasmus+ KA2 project aims to raise awareness and engage young students in environmental sustainability through innovative digital techniques and approaches as an integral part of their school…
www.deed-project.eu The main aim of the DEED project is to acquisition of Green Competences in VET with the help of innovative digital approach utilizing the potential of personal mobile devices.
greenread.erasmus.site Your Green Career is Our Future: Green Jobs Career Readiness for Young People. The Green Read project will provide a pathway for YECs, VETs, TVETs and HEIs in order…
www.source-project.eu The SOURCE Project aims to strengthen the digital competence of Adult Education experts, enhance the quality of online learning experiences, and promote the effective use of digital technologies in…
ihetp.org i-HETP aims to raise inclusion in higher education, improving the learning experience and employability options of all students with or without disabilities.
Acquisition of Circular Behaviour in Elementary Schools. www.access-project.eu The main goal of the ACCESS project is to provide guidance to those who want to learn how to integrate climate change…
desc.eduprojects.eu The primary objective of the DESC project is to establish a connection between European cultural heritage, climate change, and their impact on the economy. The DESC project strives to…
2teach-2touch.erasmus.site The main goal of the project is to provide tailored information on how citizens can be more involved in waste management and circular economy at the household level. It…
peses-project.eu Refusing the unnecessary, Reducing consumption, Reusing materials, and Recycling waste are fundamental ideas to reverse the destructive effects of contaminants to our environment. This objective is our main horizontal…
www.comenterasmus.eu The ComEnt project aims at developing a blended learning educational programme and associated teaching/learning resources for higher education institutions; accrediting agencies; and social entrepreneurs / innovators on the innovative…
www.amm-project.eu Main objective of the project is to develop a set of practical tools for educators of all levels (especially VET providers) in age management in relation to the education…
flippedvet.bda.lv This project aims to support VET institutions and VET providers in order to improve and shift work experience courses via using a flipped work-based learning model. According to the…
holup.mu.edu.tr The Hol Up Project aims to prepare SMEs, VET Institutions, and VET Providers for the future of work in the digital era by upskilling their competences holistically. It focuses…
Digital Competencies in Adult Education A project to compare and identify best practice examples for teaching digital skills in adult education. The DICE consortium consists of large and small educational…
www.covet-project.eu Vocational education institutions are currently facing the challenge of seeking innovative ways of conducting their education work (teaching, training, mentoring), especially in light of the recent technological, economic and…
tsemy.org The TSEMY – Training for sustainable employment of youth and young adults is funded by the European Commission, through funds granted by the National Erasmus + Agency Education and…
cirthink.mu.edu.tr The “CirThink” Project aimed to embed CE thinking in HEIs through university and industry partnership. The main reason behind this design is in the literature various studies have examined…
chart-project.eu CHART project proposes a new innovative practical introduction to concepts which are not known and widely used at European level: • Cultural mapping/cultural maps – as an ‘action journey’…
www.siate.eu SIATE is a new EU co-funded Erasmus+ project called “Social Inclusion of Adults through Entrepreneurship: SIATE”. Throughout Europe there are many lower-skilled adults who lack the formal competences necessary…
www.amm-project.eu The main objective of the project is to help the process of adaptation to the rising requirements of the labor market by providing the quality guidance tool for companies…
www.desemproject.eu The DESEM project aims to develop a sexual education model/methodology for mentally disabled individuals. Each activity that constitutes the project content will provide coordinated work of educators/guidance specialists and…
www.memorymethods.eu Research suggested that we remembered things better and retained them longer when we associated meaning to them using semantic encoding. Memory Methods involved more than just training. The use…
www.wised.eu For two years, WISED focused on developing social awareness that could foster social innovation. One of the most important aspects of social development is diversity. Therefore, women as a…
school-break.eu School Break (SB) aims to explore the possibilities of school students learning through playing and designing escape room game type educational experiences. The title 'School Break' thus plays with…
emwose.eu Gender equality and economic integration of ethnic minorities are transversal and cross-borders challenges identified as priorities by the public authorities of all participating countries. Subsequently, in order to efficiently…
www.intsense.eu This strategic partnership aims to support the development of innovative practices in the education and training of individuals who are either seeking to expand their knowledge and expertise in…
www.dist-stories.eu DIST directly focuses on problems of social inclusion. To reach this objective it uses an innovative and in many kinds transferable approach. Particularly it aims at fostering social inclusion,…
www.walkandtalkproject.eu In this project the consortium wishes to address people 65+ in order to enhance their participation in lifelong learning, improve their life quality and social participation and inclusion. In…
www.sedett.eu SEDETT project aims to develop a digitally enhanced blended learning set of S.E. development, education and training tools SEDETT that can be used by, social entrepreneurs to learn how…
www.trait-erasmusplus.com TRAIT is a synonym for training transversal skills, it is a strategic partnership funded by the EU under the frame of Ersamus plus (KA 2). New pedagogical approaches and…
europejobbank.org The project concentrates on fostering the dialogue between VET and work life to respond to the needs of employers, especially in terms of skills to be gained by students/future…
www.learningtobehappy.eu The institutions involved in this “Learning-to-be-Happy” project want to raise awareness of the needs of people in difficult situations due to the socioeconomic crisis. They will make use of…
www.click-grundtvig.com The fields of knowledge that were essential for an active European citizen in this era were basic computer skills, reading and writing, and foreign languages. More and more things…
www.mentalissues.eu The economic crisis has an enormous effect on mental health. The jobless person gets easily in a depressed status and a depressed status can easily result in the loss…
www.learningvscrisis.eu The LEARNING Vs CRISIS Project will establish a EU network among key actors in the educational-learning domain for disadvantaged persons. It is composed by 10 partners, such as no-profit…
www.becoming-european.eu ‘BeE – Be(coming) European’ is a EU-funded project which deals with challenges and opportunities of basic education for adults. Important questions that are addressed during the lifetime of the…
The main aim of this proposed partnership is to create an European partnership among educational centres and develop a practical and dynamic exchange of the values which adult learners have…
www.archiviodellamemoria.it The FotoMemoria project, funded under the European program “Grundtvig Learning Partnerships” from October 2007 to July 2009, aims to help young people and adults to collect photographs and personal…