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Hol Up

Holistic Approach for Upskilling Competences of SMEs, VET Institutions and VET Providers for Preparing the Future Works in the Digital Era

The Hol Up Project aims to upskill competences of SMEs, VET Institutions and VET Providers in a holistic way in order to prepare them to the future works in the digital era. 

The project will do this by focusing on these two issues: 

(1) What kind of jobs will the market need in the next few years? 

(2) What kind of competence does the educational organizations need to teach?

For the first question, It can be said that forthcoming employment needs a high level of knowledge and skills and constant assets in education is required in order to deal with the rate of change brought about by developments in digital technology.

Hol Up project will work not only with SMEs to help them develop their future workforce, meeting their current and future needs, but also with VET institutions and VET providers to mitigate their inefficiencies on shaping the future workforce in SMEs.


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