Improve adult education professionals’ digital skill

Dist Seed embarks on a transformative journey with clear objectives:
Firstly, we aim to enhance the digital skills, qualifications, and competencies of adult education professionals. Through the innovative approach of Digital Integration Storytelling Methodology, coupled with Social-Emotional Education, we provide them with a powerful toolkit to navigate the digital landscape effectively.
Secondly, our focus extends to adult teachers and educators, along with the centers they operate in. We strive to introduce an innovative educational framework enriched with practical tools and captivating materials. This initiative is aimed at bolstering the self-empowerment of adult learners, fostering their social inclusion, and significantly enhancing their digital skills.
At Dist Seed, we’re not just setting objectives; we’re igniting a journey towards empowerment, inclusion, and digital proficiency for all adults. Join us as we sow the seeds of transformation in adult education.