Vocational education institutions are currently facing the challenge of seeking the innovate ways of conducting their education work (teaching, training, mentoring), especially in light of the recent technological, economic and social changes resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. The European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) published in 2017 describes the digital competencies specific to the teaching profession. However, there appear to be certain competencies (not all of them necessarilly digital) that are inevitable for a quality online education delivery. Recent study of the European Commission “Fight against COVID-19” among educators has shown that education systems of the EU member states were unprepared for the crisis of this size. Although there is a vast number of online courses/learning modules is available, they are mostly not VET specific. Ready-made material with VET specific content is less developed or missing completely. In most cases, these focus exclusively on theoretical knowledge; in a few cases, demonstrations in ad-hoc videos, or step by step instructions are used to show the more practical skills linked to a specific VET profession. Vocational education and training appear to be strongly disadvantaged.